Did you know that that Thanksgiving was once called Turkey Day and was celebrated by First Nations as a feast prior to the European settlers?

Thanksgiving was proclaimed a national holiday in 1879.  Parliament called it “a day of General Thanksgiving to Almighty God for the bountiful harvest with which Canada has been blessed.”

It is celebrated on the 2nd Monday in October.

I always look forward to the turkey dinner, pumpkin pie and the gathering for friends and family. It’s a celebration of the harvest – and back to school! 

What you need to know about statutory holiday pay

As a statutory holiday, there are a few things you need to know in terms of your payroll accounting.

Employees are eligible for statutory holiday pay if they have worked

  • full time for the past 30 days
  • part time for 15 days in the last 30

Alternately, they can work the holiday and receive another day off with pay.There are different rules if your employees are paid by commission – you can find further information here:

Or you can pay them their regular salary and give them the holiday day off.

As an employer, if you require your employees to work on the holiday, you will need to pay them time and ½ for the first 12 hours, double time for over 12 hours.

There are different rules if your employees are paid by commission – you can find further information here:

Employment Standards: British Columbia Statutory Holidays

Legislation: Statutory Holidays I can help. See my bookkeeping services.

Would you like more time off to spend with your family and less time doing your books?

In 2020 we have time off, now it is paying for back to school, if you layoff finding work – need our help with Pandemic.

To learn more about bookkeeping services or  tax returns services.

Be Safe! Small gatherings in giving thanks 2020.